Most people I've met that don't follow Jesus seldom blame Jesus. They don't know him well enough to make a decision one way or the other. They don't want anything to do with Jesus because they don't like what they see of his people. We often whine and complain about how Christians are represented in the media. Do we not realize the media's representation of us reflects their opinion of us? What if TV, movies, and the news media are more of a representation of us than we'd like to admit.


Kids are beginning to return to school, or not. School places, workplaces, government offices, and businesses continue to wrestle with masks, and fear, loss of business. What difference are Christians making in this experience?


And what kind of difference would it make if we copied the Apostle Paul on this topic? I wonder how much joy we miss out on because we defend our liberties. I wonder how much treasure we fail to lay up in heaven because we're too busy defending our rights here on earth?


Take a look at yourself, and our world's situation. Listen to people who don't agree with you. Read a post critical of Christians, or whites, or protestants, or men. Try to understand how your actions may cause others to stumble. We must listen quietly for the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. When we hear it, act. If we hear the Holy Spirit, but fail to act, eventually we won't hear him at all. Listen for his voice and then do what he says. God will make it matter forever.