James 5:4 says "Behold, the pay of the laborers who mowed your fields and which has been held by you cries out against you." I confess thinking of my as one of the laborers in this verse. When I first became a Christ-follower, I was living from paycheck to paycheck. Today, I have money saved. And I wonder about the degree to which I might be withholding pay of laborers. 


Do you ever ask yourself questions? Do we have the courage to ask God to judge us and convict us in our spirits. The Psalmist asked for a clean heart (Psalm 51:10). But he's asking after he is convicted of a sin he committed. If we think we're right with God simply because we haven't asked or thought about it, we're negligent. Sometimes, I'm carelessly arrogant. I think I know so I don't ask. And other times, I listen to our enemy the devil who constantly accuses and lies. But over and over, I want to ask God. He will give you an idea. Do you need to pay someone more than you do? Do you need to find a way to be more generous? What we hang on to besides Jesus becomes our stumbling block.


Why not ask God what he would have you do. If he gives you an idea, do it. It may be how you pay the people who work for you. It may be how you handle your finances. Maybe we need to be more generous. Listen for the God-ideas and then refuse to negotiate. Simply solve for how. Know, also, I'm speaking to myself today.


In our online community or in the comments here, why not share a story of how someone was generous to you? And please ask someone, maybe even that person, to listen to this podcast. When you share about Follower of One, you give your friends a chance to enjoy their walk with Jesus more.