This may be the best job summary of a marketplace missionary. Consider yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ. Based on what Paul says earlier in this chapter, we can die to sin. I tell people I began to bend my life to follow Jesus. But for many of my early years as a Christian, I had trouble following him. I wanted him to do things my way. 


Over time, as I read his word and spent time with other Christ-followers, I began to see the benefits of surrendering to Jesus. Little by little, I surrendered parts of my life. And I still must do more. I wish I could have given up my life easier, because every time I do, I experience God. I see him work in and around me. He's always at work, but I never see him when I'm focused on myself. 


Daily at work, and in my life, I must train myself to stay alive to God. Our world doesn't operate like he exists. So we must train, practice, evaluate and repeat. We learn some new method, like intentionally praying for our coworkers. We practice it. Then we ask God to give us feedback on how we did. And finally, we commit to tweak it or do it again and again. As we go through this feedback loop, we grow as a Christ-follower. And we see him make us alive to him.


Today, ask God to make you aware of one place where you need to die to yourself and one way you can become more alive in him. I am confident he will deliver. He wants us all moving one notch closer to him every day. So what are you waiting for?


Don't forget to check out our friend Ryan Howard and his podcast, Your Faith at Work for more great ideas on being alive to God at work!