Do. you expect an inheritance from God?   "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. Romans 8:14 ESV   Back in the time the Bible was written, sons inherited things. Paul uses the term "sons" here to denote that we will be expecting an inheritance. We are heirs of God. We're his children. He's going to give us his glory and his riches. Once we trust God, and get in the position as a Follower of One, we are children. It's done.   Are we led by the Spirit? We decide that once and he comes to live with us. He leads us and we "are" children.   So how does that show up in the world today? Our eternal wealth is more than we can imagine. We have an unlimited supply now. We get the opportunity to live on-mission with Jesus. His purpose was to save mankind. Our purpose is to be led by the Spirit and take part in this grand strategy.   We can be a blessing. We can do things to make the world and life better for everyone we meet. Maybe it's a prayer. Maybe it's a gift. Maybe it means we will do more so they can do less. Maybe we need to fix something. Imagine getting up every day and asking the Spirit what he would like you to do today. That's our first daily habit. We want to get in the habit of living on-mission with Jesus and being available to do what he calls us to do with and for others.   What's stopping you? Do you think about all the things you can't do? Ask God to show you what you can do. He made us an heir. You're part of God's strategy. Let's get in the game.   It may be that you would like to see how this is done? Check out our Marketplace Mission Trips. These are either 2-week online or 6-week offline exercises where we practice living like a child of God. Check them out at