Have you ever seen a triumphal procession?   "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere." 2 Corinthians 2:14 ESV   I read that a Roman Triumph would occur whenever a Roman army defeated more than 5000 in battle and took new territory. The procession would be huge, with the leader in a gold chariot. Roman priests would burn incense to their gods and one commentator even said sometimes the incense smoke would obscure the procession.   Paul is reminding the Corinthians that God is leading us in a triumphal procession, too. And we're the incense. In the verses that follow he talks about how the incense was a sweet aroma to the victors but a sickening aroma to the losers.   Today, let's remember we're in God's victorious procession. We're celebrating his victory. We're on the winning team. And our lives are to be that incense. We are different. Our job is to live a life that can't be explained without Jesus. Paul says that Jesus spreads the fragrance through us. He's using us. He sealed the victory. This isn't as much about our wants and desires as it is about us remembering this is his victory. We get to celebrate in it. But he did the heavy lifting.   Remember, too, to pray for others in the family of God. We have 2 groups doing Marketplace Mission Trips if you listen to this podcast on or near the air date. Ask God to protect them, and help them celebrate the work Jesus is doing in and through them. God's working in and through all of us if we'll cooperate. We begin by punching in. Check out more about our Marketplace Mission Trips and take your friends on one. You can find out more at www.MarketplaceMissionTrip.com. Thanks!

Have you ever seen a triumphal procession?   "But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere." 2 Corinthians 2:14 ESV   I read that a Roman Triumph would occur whenever a Roman army defeated more than 5000 in battle and took new territory. The procession would be huge, with the leader in a gold chariot. Roman priests would burn incense to their gods and one commentator even said sometimes the incense smoke would obscure the procession.   Paul is reminding the Corinthians that God is leading us in a triumphal procession, too. And we're the incense. In the verses that follow he talks about how the incense was a sweet aroma to the victors but a sickening aroma to the losers.   Today, let's remember we're in God's victorious procession. We're celebrating his victory. We're on the winning team. And our lives are to be that incense. We are different. Our job is to live a life that can't be explained without Jesus. Paul says that Jesus spreads the fragrance through us. He's using us. He sealed the victory. This isn't as much about our wants and desires as it is about us remembering this is his victory. We get to celebrate in it. But he did the heavy lifting.   Remember, too, to pray for others in the family of God. We have 2 groups doing Marketplace Mission Trips if you listen to this podcast on or near the air date. Ask God to protect them, and help them celebrate the work Jesus is doing in and through them. God's working in and through all of us if we'll cooperate. We begin by punching in. Check out more about our Marketplace Mission Trips and take your friends on one. You can find out more at www.MarketplaceMissionTrip.com. Thanks!