What is the heading of your life? Where are you headed? "If the dead are not raised, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." 1 Corinthians 15:32 We spoke in the last episode about how, if there is no resurrection, we're most to be pitied. Paul begins to conclude that thought in the end of this verse. What does it matter how we lived? We might as well go for the gusto. We might enjoy everything we can because one day, it will all be over. I used to have a cute saying from my fraternity days: "Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse." It was a joke when I was younger, something I said to give me an excuese for eating and drinking for tomorrow I would die. But once I started following Jesus, I began to consider the longer part of my life. This life isn't going to last very long at all in light of eternity. I don't want to make light of difficulties you're facing, but compared to forever, 100 years isn't very long. I used to think a year was a long time. Now that I've done 65 of them, they come and go much faster than I'd like. Today, let's consider where we're headed and how long we're going to live. What we give away in this life, because we follow Jesus, matters forever. Give something away. Find a way to get outside of your job description. Give something to someone today simply because you know you will live forever. If we lived like we knew we would live forever, we would be more noticeable to the people around us. They might even ask us why we're doing what we're doing and then we can tell them about our faith. Don't forget to also keep improving. Join our online community to interact with other Christ-followers who want to invest this life in the next one. That's what we're doing. Head over to https://community.followerofone.org and join us.