Do you consider yourself a preacher? Now, those who were scattered went on their way preaching the word. Acts 8:4 Imagine what the world would look like if each of us lived in such a way that others would ask. I don't think everyone went talking about Jesus all the time. But they went living in such a way that Jesus is what they ended up talking about. Basically, Saul chased the Christians into the world. Can you imagine years later, the Apostle Paul meeting someone in Corinth or Ephesus who he had chased out of Jerusalem? But now Paul's an apostle and the person he chased out of town was one of the people who started the church at Corinth? Do your relationships end up hearing about Jesus? And if not, why not? I confess, I'm not very urgent. I get passive. But as I interact with more and more people, I want to help them move one notch closer to Jesus. Do you interact with people who don't follow Jesus? Then ask God to give you opportunities to speak. There are words. We have things to say. Ask God to show you where you can step up, and then do it. Speaking of stepping up, Follower of One is looking for leaders. We need people who want to help their church take a mission trip. We need people who want to invest some prayer and money. It's time to start growing this ministry and making our mission trips available to other churches, ministries and businesses. Would you be a champion who tells others about Follower of One? Send a note to [email protected] and let us know what God is prompting you to do!