Do you find yourself tired? Did you ever notice how easy it is to get discouraged when you're tired?   "For consider Him who has endured such hostility by sinners against Himself, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart." Hebrews 12:3 NASB   When we get deflated and tired, we become vulnerable. The author of Hebrews suggests that if we consider what Jesus had to endure, we will find energy and that energy will help us not become discouraged.   The 2 verses before this are the response to the heroes of the faith. The author remind us to fix our eyes on Jesus. He completed the work the Father gave him to do. It's done. Our job is smaller. His work should motivate us. He did his part. And because he's almighty, he is helping us. He is directing. We can persist. We can finish. We can take heart rather than losing it.   Today, what will you choose? Will you focus on your circumstances and fail, or will you consider Jesus, not grow weary and not lose heart? God has a job for you today. Romans 8 tells us that God will complete his work in and through us. We can keep our heart today by considering Jesus and doing the next doable thing.   Let's not focus on what we can't do. Consider Jesus and do what you can. Maybe you need to get some rest. It's easy to get discouraged when you're tired. Consider Jesus and then, whatever you can do, do it. Every little bit matters. Jesus said the widow put in more than anyone else. She only put in two small coins (Mark 12:42-44). But he knew what it was relative to what she had. Do what you can and God will do the rest.   Let's remember to do what we can today. Tell God "Here I am." Ask him what he wants you to do. And then focus on what you can do rather than what you can't do. He will do the rest.   Also, check out our online community at You can meet other Christ-followers there who can help you not lose heart, too. Check it out.