Are you qualified to teach others about Jesus?   "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15 ESV   I've talked about this versxe before, but it never hurts to talk about it again. Today, on the Marketplace Mission Trip, we talk about knowing what you believe. We're called to be ready to accurately handle the word of truth.   Can you explain why you're different in a way that explains to someone else who Jesus is and what part he had in your transformation? This passages challenges us to "accurately handle the word of truth." We need to be studiers and we also need to discern error from truth. That's why we need teachers and we need others who can give us input. But we also have the Holy Spirit living in us.   We also need to think about what we believe and practice talking about our beliefs. When you're with Christian friends, ask questions about spiritual things. Hear what they have to say. Practice talking about what you believe. All of that is practice for when you're with someone who doesn't follow Jesus. If all we talk about are politics, sports and weather, we never feel ready to talk about our faith. But our job as a marketplace minister is to be able to explain why we're different. So let's practice!   The Marketplace Mission Trip is a tool we use to be more intentional with our faith on a daily basis. There's an online version and a discussion group for offline group discussion. Check them both out at