Do you keep your word?   Today's passage is Luke 14:31-33: “Or what king, going to war against another king, will not first sit down and decide if he is able with ten thousand to oppose the one who comes against him with twenty thousand? If not, while the other is still far off, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. In the same way, therefore, every one of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:31-33 CSB   I tell myself stories. I believe I'm better than I am, lighter than I am, in better shape, etc. I'm afraid I give myself the benefit of the doubt on every single measure.   Continuing from yesterday's episode, we tell ourselves we're going to be God's people in our workplaces, but if we're honest, only a few people may know we're different. I wonder how many know we live in another world, much less play by different rules.   I've threatened to lose weight and get in shape for years, but I haven't done it. I need others to help me. I can't do it alone. In our workplaces, we may want our faith to make a bigger difference, but, because we haven't counted the cost, we bail at the key moment. Jesus is wrapping up a teaching that he began back in Luke 14:16. Jesus told a parable about a man who invited many to a party, and they all accepted, but when it was time for the party, they all bailed. They all had something more important to do.   Pastors and non-profit leaders see this behavior, too. We all intend well. But more important things come up. In verse 26 which we talked about yesterday, Jesus said that following him would require that we make everything, really everything, less important. Then he cautions that we must count the cost. Once we're prepared for the high cost of wanting Jesus, then we're ready to follow him.   I don't think any of us really understands the cost. We make daily choices. But one choice at a time, we will go farther than we thought. It will cost more than we planned. This passage is warning us.   Our Marketplace Mission Trip begins this Sunday. You can still go to and join our community and sign up for the next trip. But count the cost. You'll have a daily lesson