How do you think of yourself in relation to Jesus? What role does Jesus have for you and me?   Notice how Jesus makes a bit of a play on words here. We know his salvation is for any who would believe. But often, the people who think they're OK take a pass. Jesus knows his message is for those who realized accurately the situation they're in. They know they're sinners. They know they come up short. They are aware they come up short when it comes to being right with God.   Do you think you stand? In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul cautions us who think we stand to be careful because we might fall. Jesus says those who are hurting will turn to him. Those who are not, probably won't. If we can become humble enough to recognize that our life and our effort won't get us anywhere with God, then Jesus can help us.   Jesus came to help those who want and need it. Let's examine ourselves. If we feel pretty good about our selves, Houston, we have a problem. Ask God to give you an accurate idea of your position and stay close to Jesus. Because the more accurate you see reality, the more you'll realize your need for a Savior.