Do you consider yourself humble?   I think I've asked that opening question before. We're commanded to be humble in scripture and we're talking about one of those passages again today. You get this often because I know this is a weakness of mine. I could be the poster child for arrogant.   James is quoting Proverbs 3:34 from the Septuagint which is the Greek version of the Old Testament that was studied at this time. In fact, in 1 Peter 5:5, Peter quotes the same verse. This must have been a well known statement from the scripture. God is opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble.   A humble person is someone who rightly understands their own position and ability. Today, how can you show yourself humble? One way is to listen more than you talk. There is so much to hear. Every other person on the planet can teach us something if we will let them. Even in our talking to God, let's listen more. He spoke you and me into being. He must have more to say. And when he speaks, things come into being. His speech is powerful.   What are some other ways you can demonstrate humility? Why not share this post and those ideas on social medial. Only share if you're going to actually do the things you suggest. I'm going to be busy listening, so maybe I'll see your post, but it may be a day or two. Let's ask God to help us be humble and trust him to make the best of our obedience.