What does it mean to reconcile? Are we now reconciled, or being reconciled?   Jesus removes our debt. The obstacle to our reconciliation is God's justice. Our sin must be paid for. By paying for the sin of the world, Jesus removed that obstacle. The moment we trust Christ, we're reconciled. But there is still work to do. We still must tame our flesh. We don't just keep living the way we always did. We let God begin to transform us. And as long as we're alive, we'll take part in the transformation God has planned for each of us.   We also must make a difference in the world. God left us here to be reconcilers. It's a ministry of reconciliation; or a service we perform. We must be in the world helping the world take part in Christ's work. We become reconcilers.   As a reconciler, my job is to help others be reconciled to God. How do we do that? One way is that we must live reconciled. We're no longer enemies of God. We have access to the kingdom. We can enter and leave. We have a parking place. God has given us access.   But we must also know and appreciate others. Christ served, and we must. As we serve others, they get a chance to see Jesus. We can't make them see him, but we can make Jesus visible by the way we live. The rest is up to him.   Why not join us? Check out https://community.followerofone.org and become part of a community of believers who are actively working to grow as ambassadors and reconcilers.