Have you ever considered the power that comes from knowing that you don't know?   There is a way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way to death. Proverbs 14:12 CSB   When we trust the Bible, and consider it to be the word of God, then we come face-to-face with statements like today's passage. And we realize we aren't as strong or smart or powerful as we think we are. The Bible states very plainly that we don't know.   The real problem isn't not knowing. It's not knowing that we don't know. You see if we can be aware that we don't know, we can search for the answers. God gives us many answers in his word. He provides answers through his Sprit living in us, and through other believers, too.   If we don't know, much freedom and confidence come from knowing we don't know. Today, let's remember we don't know. We need God to show us. We need to remember that our ways seem right to us, but they're deadly.   How can that change the way you work today? Will you remember this in the heat of the job today? Can you remember this in your conversations with your family or with your boss?