How are you at waiting?   There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1   I don't wait well. Often, I think God makes me wait to teach me something, but I've failed the waiting class so much, that I really believe he's given up on me. But the other thing I need to remember is that things take time. This passage in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 helps drive this point home.   Do you face a circumstance where God seems to be much more patient than you? How can you use this for his glory? One way is to pray about ways to actively wait. Maybe you can help someone else. Maybe there is some preparation you need to make. Maybe there is some blocking and tackling you need to do in some other area of your life. What can you do while you wait?   As we become patient, we make God visible. It's not that we don't care. We want to do what we can like it depends on us. But when we can experience delays like we trust God, we make him visible.   Today, let's remember there is a time for everything. Some things take time. Ask God to help you glorify him while you wait.