How do you handle correction?   If you don't experience discipline from God, you may not be one if his children. One time I asked my Dad why he never told my kids "no." He said that was my job. The man who seemed to specialize in correcting me and helping me be right, became a different person around his grandkids.   We take a direct role in raising our kids. If we don't help them see the right way to behave, we're not doing them any favors. The older we get, the more expensive our lessons become. If we can learn something when we're young, our parents foot the bill. If we have to learn it as an adult, often it's much more costly and we bear the full cost.   I mentioned this proverb in episode 731 since it's quoted in Hebrews 12:5-6. Often the lesson is hard. I hated being corrected. I spent some time after I became an adult, working for my dad's company. Correction then was particularly difficult for me. And I didn't handle it well. But when I can remember the one correcting me has my best interests at heart, often that makes things a bit easier.   Today, ask God for direction and then remember that whatever happens comes from a loving Father. The way we handle correction can point others to God when we listen to him and do what he says. Why not join a community of believers who are helping one another? We want the bible to invade our daily lives. Check our online community out at