Give no offense to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God, 1 Corinthians 10:32 ESV   Three powerful, convicting words. Give no offense. To whom? Pretty much everyone. Think about that for a minute. How can we live not giving offense? I'm not qualified to speak much as to how to do this. I am an expert in violating this principle.   Imagine what difference we would make in the world if we could live according to this principle. Also, imagine the difference people would see if we stopped giving offense.   So is it wrong to try and use someone's chosen pronouns? I confess to joking about this. Now I have to consider carefully how I respond.   Finally, if you're someone who thinks you seldom give offense, maybe you need to start asking other people. Our world is very easily offended these days.   Do you have some thoughts on this podcast? Share them with us at   Please don't forget to check out our online community at