If you had to describe God, how would you do it? Hi, I'm Mike Henry Sr. with Follower of One. Thanks for joining me again today on the Follower of One Podcast, I want to take a few days and just enjoy God and just spend some time thinking about him. I hope to do five posts in Psalm 139. Today. I want to read verses one and two. 

"Oh Lord. You have searched me and known me. You know, when I sit down and when I rise up; you understand my thought from afar." And that's from the New American Standard translation. 

When we want to appreciate God and understand God and think about him, first we have to think about who he is.  This is a Psalm of David. So David is reminding us at the very beginning that God has searched us. He knows us. He knows when we sit down and when we rise up, he understands every thought that we have, different translations reference, this only slightly differently.

It says in The Message, "God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand. I'm an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking." God knows what we think. And he knows what we do.  It's impossible for us to imagine God in much accuracy beyond what he has taught us in his word, because he's infinite and we're not.

I mean, the one thing I know when I get to see God is that I will not say something stupid, like, "Oh, I thought you were bigger." I believe that my imagination doesn't measure up to the God of the universe. The God of the universe is almighty and all powerful. And we'll talk about that a little bit more in the coming days.

But today I wanted to challenge us to remember. God knows what's going on. He knows what's in our brain. He knows all of these things about us; more even than we are conscious of at any given moment for ourselves. God knows you. And he knows me. And we'll talk a little bit more as we go through the series, but God knows us.

He knows what we'll do, and yet we're still free to choose and to create blessing or consequences and to then have to deal with those blessings or consequences as well. That's the challenge of being a follower of Christ. Once we realize where we fit in this grand reality, that begins and ends with the God of the universe, and we realize that we have an opportunity to take a role. We're not passive. We're not spectators. We're participants. Any time you want, God can put you in the game. All you have to do is pray for the people around you. It begins with a simple prayer, like "Here I am!" 

This acknowledgement that God searches us and knows us, and he knows what we think. "God, would you take my mind and point it toward what you want it to do today." And he will do that. That's what our "Here I am" prayer is. Our first daily habit is to pray.

When we pray "here I am," we clock in and we tell God that we want to do what he wants us to do today. And so for the next five days, let's go through Psalm 1 39 and let's examine God and let's see what he wants us to know about him so that we can live for him in our current day and time. 

Thanks for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for making a difference with your faith. Look around. Any idea that you get while you're praying or talking to Jesus, it may have come from him. If it does make a point to do it. Act on the promptings that you get from the Holy Spirit, and watch him work in your world. Take a moment and join us in the online community that is Follower of One.

You can go to https://community.followerofone.org and join us. We want to help one another live our faith on a daily basis. Thanks very much.