What must you do to do the works of God? Have you ever asked yourself that question? We're not the first to ask. Let's talk about that today.

Hi, I'm Mike Henry Senior with Follower of One. Thanks for joining me again today on the Follower of One Podcast, I'm reading John 6:28-29, and I'm reading from the English Standard Version "Then they said to him, what must we do to be doing the works of God? Jesus answered them. This is the work of God that you believe in him, whom he has sent. "

This is a great question for a follower of Christ. What must we do to be doing the works of God? Jesus's answer interestingly is about faith. It's about trusting God.

His challenge here is for us to punch in, to say, "here I am," and to do the works of God by believing in Him, realizing that God is the source of everything, that what God says is true, and how He has called us and what he desires for us today is the best work for us. This whole thing takes place on the day after Jesus fed thousands of people. What they'd done is they chased him down, and they wanted him to feed them again, which is the unfortunate part of this story.

We actually read when we read this chapter, you see that they hunt him down, they ask him what must we do to do the works of God, which is a great question, but what they really want is they want to be fed this limitless food again. In fact, immediately after this passage, after this response from Jesus, they say "well, do a miracle for us so we can trust you."

. He just did a tremendous miracle yesterday and he's been doing tremendous miracles in their presence. God's visible to all of us who look for him, but to those of us who demand a sign, we won't seem at all. This challenge I think, is to take this passage and apply it to our lives today.

Am I asking God to show me, or am I honestly, trusting him and trying to do what he says. That's my challenge today. I want to trust God and do what he says what must I do to accomplish the deeds that God wants? I must punch in. I must listen to him here. I am. God. Please put me to work today. Show me what you would have me do in the lives of the people around me.

This is not about what you're going to give me. This is not about what I receive because I'm a follower of Jesus. This is about what I give. My job is to ship your grace, to distribute the food that you gave, just like Jesus did the day before this event, when he fed all those people.

We can take those five loaves and two fish and feed thousands of people, if we will give our stuff away on behalf of Jesus. We can do the works of God when we begin by believing in the one that he is sent.

What does that mean for you today? Ask God, take a moment right now and ask God, "God, I believe in you. What do you want me to do today? I believe you have a job for me today. How would you have me carry out that job in my context and in my environment today?"

Thank you for being a marketplace minister. Thank you for having the guts to ask that question and then to do what he says. Let's solve for how we can do what he says today. Let's look for ways to be given away a little bit at a time in the lives of the people that we interact with today, simply because we follow Jesus. What we do because we follow him matters and it matters for eternity.

So we have an opportunity today to serve Jesus Christ in the lives of the people that we interact with. You've been called as a minister, and I'm grateful for you listening to this podcast and considering that call. In fact, if this is something that you'd like to continue doing, check out our online community at https://community.followerofone.org.

You can join for free. You can take the next marketplace mission trip. We don't charge. We actually ask people to pay it forward. And so if you want to take a marketplace mission trip, somebody already paid the price. Join us and sign up at https://community.followerofone.org. Thanks very much.