Does knowing Jesus make a big difference in your day today? I hope it does. Let's talk about it.

Hey, I'm Mike Henry Sr. with Follower of One. Thanks for joining me again today on our podcast. These devotionals are a way for us to program our brain as we go to work, or as we get ready to do whatever we're doing on a given day.

And today, I want to challenge us a little bit about the knowledge of God and how it changes our behavior. I'm reading Habakkuk 2:14. Habakkuk is one of the prophets in the latter part of the old Testament who was several hundred years before Jesus came. And in this verse, this is part of a  projection of the future by Habakkuk. And he says, 

"For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." 

I memorized that verse because there's a song that actually has those words in it. And I memorized that song when it was being taught to my kids when they were younger.

The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. That's clearly not the case today. So this prophecy hasn't occurred yet, but this prophecy is happening. God has allowed us some period of time between when Christ died on the cross and the resurrection and the Holy Spirit's coming the day of Pentecost until today when people trust Jesus, we get the Holy Spirit living in us.

We experience the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, but we still only see it partially. We still see it masked and hidden. Any of us can't see God for who He really is because at that moment, no one would have a choice. At that moment "every knee will bow," it says in Philippians chapter two. 

I believe when I see God, I'm going to be so blown away. I won't know what I will do. I might be speechless. There's a great song. "I Can Only Imagine" where he talks about this as well. But the knowledge of the glory of the Lord should prompt me to live differently today.  It should prompt me to live in such a way that other people notice a difference. They notice a difference because I'm following Jesus. The rest of the world, the default behavior is to not follow Jesus. Even in places where there are a lot of other Christians around, we still accept and develop a lot of habits that don't really look like following Jesus. 

And so as we examine our own lives and we ask the Holy Spirit who dwells in us to transform us today, He may challenge you to not gossip. He may challenge you to maintain confidence. He may challenge you to ask a couple more questions and listen more carefully to a coworker. He may challenge you to pray for some other person. 

Let's let the knowledge of God change us. Because eventually, the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will cover the earth. It will fill the earth. But right now we have this opportunity to reflect that knowledge, by the way we live. And that's my challenge for us today, let's have the courage to punch in. That's our first prayer. "Here I am Lord." And then ask Him, "what would you have me do today? What can I do today to glorify you?"

He will give you an idea, things that you can do, and then you will just solve for how to do that. Your job is to go execute the plan that Jesus gives you. 

Thanks so much for being a marketplace minister. I'm grateful that you follow Jesus Christ. If you have some questions about what we talk about, please feel free to contact me, Mike, at You can also contact me through our online community or our website.

Our website is and our online community is Thanks so much for being a marketplace minister. Thanks for listening to this challenge and accepting this challenge. Let's let our knowledge of God impact how we live. Thanks very much.