The passage for today is Proverbs 19:20. It says, "Listen to counsel and accept discipline that you may be wise the rest of your days."

This proverb reminds us that we should be open to criticisms and correction from others. This is the only way we can learn and grow. When we are defensive, we are not able to take in new information and we are more likely to make mistakes.

We should also remember that criticism and correction are not always easy to hear. However, if we can learn to accept them with humility, they can be a great blessing to us. They can help us to become better people and to live more fulfilling lives.

Let's all strive to be open to criticism and correction. Let's not be afraid to ask for feedback from others, and let's be willing to listen to what they have to say. If we do this, we will be on our way to becoming wise and successful people.