How do we know what’s true? What should we trust and what should we question? I’ll talk about the nature of science, truth and critical thinking with astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson. We’ll talk about why so many scientists doubt the UFOs are alien interlopers, but do take seriously the possibility of multiple universes. We’ll also talk about his new book, “A Brief Welcome to the Universe”.

By coincidence, this episode 42, a number that in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, was the answer to ultimate question of life, the universe and everything – at least according to a powerful computer programmed 7 ½ million years ago. Unfortunately, the people who programmed the computer didn’t understand the question. To Neil DeGrasse Tyson, sorting truth from fakery is all about asking good questions.

“Follow the Science" is produced, written, and hosted by Faye Flam, with funding by the Society for Professional Journalists. Today’s episode was edited by Seth Gliksman with music by Kyle Imperatore. If you’d like to hear more "Follow the Science," please like, follow, and subscribe!