The Morrison government finally released its long-awaited climate modelling for its net zero by 2050 plan and our experts agree it's the stuff of science fiction. A number of big flaws in the model have already been identified, the biggest of which is that it doesn't actually reach net zero - there's a 15% gap. But it also includes imaginary emissions reduction technologies being invented ‘very soon’, no detail about cost of living impacts and it ignores the economic benefits of avoiding dangerous climate change. But the biggest reveal? At the heart of the modelling is a phantom carbon tax.This was recorded on 16 November 2021 and things may have changed since // @theausinstituteHost: Ebony Bennett, Deputy Director at the Australia Institute // @ebony_bennettGuests:Richard Denniss, chief economist, the Australia Institute // @RDNS_TAIRod Campbell, research director, the Australia Institute // @R_o_d_CProducer: Jennifer Macey // @jennifermaceyTheme Music: Pulse and Thrum; additional music by Blue Dot Sessions

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