Buckle up for this one, because we are flashing back all the way to 2004...err well that's when the movie was released, but the Trojan war was way longer ago...Anyway, Odysseus and Achilles dominate the preview for week 5.  Who knew this wouldn't be Brad Pitt's biggest box office success?  How does Kemper not know who Sean Bean is (and that he dies in almost everything he is in).  Well, these two also make a plan on how to get the most out of this week in the NFL and it may or may not involve hiding inside a horse (a Bronco perhaps?).  We make our picks with some excellent strategic moves.  

Kemper is back on the hot seat for some trivia, and will he be hit in the heel or will he be the unstoppable force that a charging Achilles can be?  No more pain staking questions this time as we get to some meat of these trivia tid bits!  We also set up another battle to the death with our Run Your Pool fantasy league and Ethan went heavy with Ajax.  Kemper is slow playing this week in an attempt to keep his armies fresh...

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