It's football movie time, and we are starting with The Replacements, a truly underrated football flick.  Who doesn't love Keanu Reeves as the replacement quarterback, and John Favreau as a maniac linebacker?!  Bateman was definitely yelling "I got the ball!!" after all those fumbles in the Bucs/Rams game and Gruff was the hero in three of the match ups as kickers won 3 games on walk-off field goals.  There was a lot to dissect in the divisional round and don't know if championship weekend will be able to replace the excitement (see what we did there...)


Kemp was still hot after the Titans exit so it took him a little bit to cool down.  But Kemp will take solace because, don't forget, since Ethan lost a close tie breaker for the Do It season long bets, he still needs a punishment.  Will he be channeling the Sentinels football team in jail and doing some Tik Tok dances?  Will Fumiko provide all the waffles and pancakes for the 24 hr challenge?  We want to hear it!  Send a message over to [email protected] or by hitting up our Facebook page or twitter @thefitcpodcast!