Who doesn't love a good sibling rivalry?  Buzz gets Kevin in trouble, so Kevin in turn steals his hidden cash stash.  The power went out briefly so Ethan almost didn't make it to this episode, and in his haste, he may have lost his mind with his DFS lineup.  Kemp on the other hand forgot to close the garage which let a whole lot of COVID in to the league, which will greatly impact fantasy playoffs.  We try and guide you through this conundrum with how to get your team stable enough to survive.  This whole COVID situation is more difficult to navigate than a house full of booby traps...


Ethan is quizzed in some Home Alone trivia so you know he's gonna leave a calling card like plugging the sinks and running the faucet.  Will he successfully make a clean getaway with answers, or get thwarted by the south bend shovel slayer?  Also, you aren't going to want to miss our DFS lineups as someone makes his long awaited return, and has more hits than the Kenosha Kickers.


Now that the college football regular season is over and Bowl season is upon us, we have partnered with our friends at Bettor Off to bring you a College Football Bowl Pick'em group where the winner brings home $200!  It's free to enter so join us by going to the ESPN.com homepage, under the fantasy tab, click Capital One Bowl mania and join our "Fold in the Cheese" group.  Password is FITC.  We also made it easy for you so you can click on this LINK as well.  All that we ask is that you sign up to be on our email list by checking out email.foldinthecheese.com!  Free entry to the contest, just sign up for an awesome email.  It's even better than a Little Nero's pizza!