You definitely want to see the video for this one HERE

That's right folks, we do a mock draft, LIVE on air with some associates of FITC.  We went with a 10 team league, with 7 real live people and 3 teams being picked by the computer.  Did the picks go according to what we have been saying?  Did anyone achieve the perfect draft?  Or have our listeners been paying such close attention that all the wealth got spread out evenly?!  The anticipation is killing me.  We will divulge that one team went with an RB0 strategy for the first 6 rounds, while one team picked 4 straight RBs to start.  Bold strategies Cotton, let's see how the pan out...Oh yeah, we didn't mention it to them, but we created the actual league based off this draft so let's see who reigns supreme!


Finally, to see what Ethan and Kemper have been up to this past Spring and Summer, check out to see how we can help your company with employee engagement and retention!  Trust us, it's a good time