Time to suit up (the superhero kind) as Kemp is missing in action and these guys have to figure out how to save him.  Ok, maybe not save him, but save week 6!  Injuries and upsets galore plagued week 6 more than Thanos with a full gauntlet.  Our guest host Jason Thurston joins in with seeing which performances were worthy of an invite to the Avengers, and who may just putting up an illusion like Mysterio.  Check the VIDEO HERE

He didn't know it, but in this episode, we also brought back a favorite segment from last season, that's right BLIND RESUMES!  We figured it was time as the season has started to round in to form now that we are 1/3 through.  Which side will Tony Start be on in this "Civil War" amongst players as they all state their resumes to be chosen.  Who is backing their draft positions while who should have been left off team Cap?

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