More division previews! It is going to be hard to top the first previews as those two divisions were pretty top notch, but we give it a try anyway.  Once again, we go one from the AFC and one from the NFC.  We talk about some football player boxing, mispronunciations of coach names, and one of the best birthday parties Ethan has ever thrown.  Who cares if only 3 people showed up?


New segment alert!  We know you all loved you some Blind Resumes and of course trivia, but now we introduce a whole NEW segment.  We like to call it "On Campus" so check it to see what it is all about.  Kemper gives it a shot first and see if you can do better than he did.  Also, we are continuing with this whole video thing so be sure to check out our episodes in living color (Martin Lawrence don't sue us..) HERE


Finally, to see what Ethan and Kemper have been up to this past Spring and Summer, check out to see how we can help your company with employee engagement and retention!  Trust us, it's a good time