In this episode, Mike and David dive deep on why Focus is so important. They also share thoughts about Ultralearning and why sometimes survival alone is good enough.

In this episode, Mike and David dive deep on why Focus is so important. They also share thoughts about Ultralearning and why sometimes survival alone is good enough.

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Links and Show Notes: Support Focused with a Relay FM Membership Jason Fried on Twitter: "Q: #askJF is staying focused overrated? - @DrRachelRamsey1 A:… " The Bezos way: sleep, puttering, and three high-quality decisions a day - Focused - MPU Talk Scott H Young | Learn faster, achieve more Apply Intentionality to Your Downtime with Duolingo – The Sweet Setup A Weekly Podcast For Entrepreneurs Who Do The Work - The Small Business Show Full Focus Planners (Michael Hyatt) - Focused - MPU Talk Focused #83: Ideas Over Art, with Mike Rohde - Relay FM Tom Solid's Digital Journal 2019 - Landscape + Portrait Format – #PaperlessMovement Shop

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