Previous Episode: Ep 57 - Yes
Next Episode: Ep 58 - Ikora Rey

Our 8th installment of the Extra Lore series (we're gonna start just counting these separately to help everyone stay sane at this point), brings Blue, Justin, Mel, and special guest co-host Demigod257 together to chat about the big picture of the Bioshock series...and the headaches that such an undertaking can create. We begin with a summary of the three games, which then segues into a conversation about the game's universe and the basic theories around that model of existence before letting Mel loose to chat with us about her own views on the costumes and designs of the series (especially her love for the "golden age" of Rapture). At the end, the only question that we have left is...Would you kindly?

As usual, thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen! Please be sure to let us know how we're doing over on iTunes or through the below email.

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Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @FocusedFireChat
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Demigod257 on Twitter

Please be sure to also check out the other podcasts in the Guardian Radio Network!

Bioshock Map

Links Mentioned in Show:
The One Twist in BioShock Infinte's Ending You Might Have Missed Complete, Paul Tassi (Link here)

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