Next Episode: Ep 35 - The Taken

The first of what might become a new collection of episodes brings Blue, Justin, Willy, and very special guest co-host Morla Gorrondona together to chat about what it's like to fulfill the role of the voice of the characters that we, as gamers, come to know so well. The community came together before hand with questions that they all had about the nature of the role of a voice actor, and Morla was gracious enough to spend some time walking through not only her own experiences within the world of voice acting and voice over work as well as some thoughts on the general manner in which people who might be interested could look to get their feet wet.

As usual, please let us know any feedback you have or any questions that you might want us to start considering for our Lore 101 and upcoming Spinfoil Corner series by emailing us at [email protected] or on twitter @FocusedFireChat. Be sure to also jump over to iTunes to give us a quick review on how we're doing - we are also available on the Destiny Community Hub app, as well as Google Play Music. Thank you again for giving our ramblings a listen!

Morla Gorrondona 

Morla on Twitter

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