Todays guests are Lorna King, Conor McCabe and Sean McCabe. What are the kinds of things we need to think about and act on to realise a New Green Deal and Just Transition in the time of COVID19. Economies across the world deliberately put into deep freeze as part of halting the spread of the […]

The post Focus: Green New Deal, Just Transition and Covid 19 first appeared on Nearcast.

Todays guests are Lorna King, Conor McCabe and Sean McCabe.

What are the kinds of things we need to think about and act on to realise a New Green Deal and Just Transition in the time of COVID19. Economies across the world deliberately put into deep freeze as part of halting the spread of the virus. Stay at home measures, massive unemployment and unprecedented state intervention contrary to accepted norms of neoliberal democracies have trailed the spread of the virus as it continues to move across the planet.

Shibboleths of economic logic have been shaken, and in many countries the impact of years of cuts to funding to public in health, education and care work have had impacts still yet to be fully understood. And yet the crisis of climate justice only a few months ago, loomed large in the mind of much of the worlds population. We were living at a time of great dissonance between science and evidence of the social and ecological costs of climate change, yet also at a time of resistance to deep political thinking and actions around what is needed to face those challenges

Focus is an audio project from Comhlámh, the association of returned development workers and volunteers.  Produced and hosted by Mark Malone, Focus is a mix of documentaries and and interviews. Over time it takes a varied look at issues and themes around global inequality and talks to people involved in different ways in challenging inequality and injustices wherever they are.

The post Focus: Green New Deal, Just Transition and Covid 19 first appeared on Nearcast.