In this episode, Colleen Biggs, founder of the Leap Community, joins us to chat about the power of collaboration and networking. She emphasizes the importance of visibility and referrals in growing net worth. Building social capital and cultivating relationships will open doors for opportunities and referrals.


Highlights From This Episode:

·      Importance of visibility and collaboration in business.

·      Building social capital and creating a supportive circle.

·      Being present and building personal relationships in business.

·      Attracting and connecting with like-minded people.

·      Your network impacts your net worth.


Links & Resources From This Episode:

Read more:  ‘Step Into The Spotlight’

Learn more:  Colleen Biggs Leap Community.

Resources:  5 Ways to Become More Fearless


More About Colleen Biggs

A Business Strategist & Coach with over 22 years of experience, Colleen:

Has launched over 340 businesses, Is a sought-after Keynote Speaker, Authored 5 #1 International Best-Selling books with the latest Step Into the Spotlight to Expand your Influence Is a 2020 Local Businessperson of the Year, 2021 Top 10 Women Business Leaders, & 2023 Most Inspirational Leaders in Business to watch out for Is the Founder & CEO of The Leap Community as well as the Infinite Impact Mastermind Is the popular podcast host of Take The Leap ranked in the top 3% global podcasts

Colleen’s passion is coaching women to move from surviving to thriving in their business through strategic wealth building.


Awesome FREE Resources for YOU!


Entrepreneur Toolbox  Special access to reports, books and resources provided to you as gifts from our podcast expert guests. This valuable information covers various business and life topics. 

Power of 3 Daily Planner A one-page daily planner to keep you on track to reaching your goals and taking action on the important things in your business and life.


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Val Low is a MAP IT Master & Brand Strategist and takes entrepreneurs to their next level of growth and impact. Through visual business mapping, Val works with entrepreneurs to take their dreams and business ideas out of their head and bring them to life. Val provides strategy on creating a message and brand to stand out in a noisy marketplace that people love to talk about.


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#entrepreneur  #business  #coaches  #marketing  #network  #success  #leadership  #social capital  #visibility  #collaboration  #networking