Rebecca Clio Gould is a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Sheng Zhen Teacher, Qigong and Meditation Instructor, Sexual Awakening for Women Facilitator, and Author of The Multi-Orgasmic Diet. She’s on a mission to help women live healthier lives, step into their power, love themselves more, experience more joy, and live life to the fullest--emotionally, physically, and sexually.

“In a world where women are constantly faced with pressure to be or look a certain way, The Multi-Orgasmic Diet is like a breath of fresh air. Rebecca provides a playful, pleasurable, and loving approach to what is often full of shame and restriction. This book turns traditional dieting on its head and has the potential to help many women live ecstatic lives."

— Margot Anand, Founder of SkyDancing Tantra and Author of The Art of Everyday Ecstasy

Don’t be fooled by the title. This book doesn’t focus on teaching orgasm techniques, and it’s not a traditional diet book. It’s something better. A sexy spin on diet, weight loss, and women’s self-help, The Multi-Orgasmic Diet is a revolutionary and fun approach to natural, shame-free healthy living. Instead of a restrictive diet that tells women what to eat and what not to eat, this book provides a lifestyle plan that teaches you how to fill up on the pleasure of life rather than overeating or using emotional eating to fill a void. You will also learn to cultivate deeper love and acceptance for yourself in this body positive approach to women’s health and sexuality.

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