Ria Yoshida is a Sex Coach who helps people have extraordinary Sex and passionate Love. 

excerpt from Ria:

“I know how it feels when you're disconnected to your body and sexuality. Like you, I didn’t have the proper guidance and grew up shackled in sexual shame and guilt. Every curse word and insult I heard since the peak of my pubescent innocence was some form of body shaming insult and sexual slang. Just when my body was blossoming into a voluptuous sexual woman—I learned that it was something to be ashamed of and to hide—how twisted is that?!

But it wasn't all bad—both of my parents are entrepreneurs who help people in the healing science and arts. So I grew up with spirituality, body health and mind development. I learned bodywork and went on to earn my master's degree in Social-Organizational Psychology at Columbia University. Graduate school wasn't just about scientific journals and research—I was newly in love and stumbled upon polyamory. I started experimenting with psychedelics, sex parties and art festivals like Burning Man.

Eventually in my healing journey and finding new love, I got this nagging feeling that something was missing and just not quite hitting my heart's bulls eye. In this realization Universal Intelligence worked her magic and I felt pulled from the center of my chest to explore sacred sexuality.” 





