Michael North is the son of a Dominican, Afro-Latina mother, and Sicilian and English father. He has an intense passion for life, and a vigorous passion for writing about it. A single father who knows that he’s different, and celebrates that fact, each and every day of his life. Born and raised, between both New York, & California. An ex gang member, who turned to spirituality, after the passing of his father in 2009. He is a Muslim, a poet and writer. His work focuses on topics such as, love, life, spirituality, & human relationships. These writings can be found in his book, “The Naked Soul of a Bearded Man.” Available on Amazon, & also on his Instagram @therealmrnorth where he’s grown in popularity, with followers from all over the globe, reaching over 14,000 human beings!


@therealmrnorth IG




opening music:

