Sasha Cobra is a world renowned teacher, healer, and energy worker with a focus on Spirituality and Sexuality. She is known internationally for her unique way of using Orgasmic Energy for healing and raising consciousness. Over her 10 year practice of The Work, she has built up a reputation for assisting trauma victims get "their life back" when "nothing else has worked." Her expertise in sexual dysfunction, sexual trauma, conscious relating and conscious lovemaking, has gained her 1000s of clients in over 50 countries across 6 continents, including sex therapists, coaches, teachers, doctors, scientists, CEO's, professional athletes, and celebrities. After having worked exclusively with men for 8 years, she has officially opened the work to women, and continues to share her wisdom globally via a variety of speaking engagements, workshops, retreats and private sessions.

This style of bodywork is an inward journey toward transformation. It utilizes energy to begin to open places where chronic tension is being held in the body. It uses sexual energy (universal life energy) to remove obstructions to one’s natural flow of energy through the channels of the body.  

As the energy accumulates, vibrates and begins to create more space, the body creates a communication with the mind, allowing the individual to have their own understanding, insight and experience into their internal world, seeing any unprocessed feelings and trauma they have been storing in the body, as well as ineffective theories they have been functioning out of, in order to clear and pave the way for transformation.

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