Aaron Vincent is an OG Tahoe Pro Snowboarder who had a pro model on Sims during the golden era of snowboarding. Aaron was Noah's best friend and lived with him during the formative years of their pro careers.

The Ninth Season of the FNRad Podcast is Presented by Skyview Campers

Social: https://www.instagram.com/skyviewcampers

Website: https://www.skyviewcampers.com

Sponsored by:

Social: https://www.instagram.com/fixbindingco 

Website: https://fixbindingco.com

Support also comes from:

Social: https://www.instagram.com/_9teenten_ 

Website: https://9teenten.com 

Special Thanks To:

       The Haven

Social: https://www.instagram.com/havengabriola 

Website: https://haven.ca

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