Penelope interviews Arvee Robinson master speaker trainer, international speaker, and author

Penelope interviews Arvee Robinson  
master speaker trainer, international
speaker, and author

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How can you use Public Speaking to Grow your Business? Attract more clients? Generate more leads? 

Arvee Robinson is a master speaker trainer, international speaker, and author.

She teaches business owners, service professionals, and entrepreneurs how to use public speaking as a marketing strategy.
So they can attract more clients, generate unlimited leads, grow their businesses, and get their message out to the world. 
in our interview, Arvee starts right out answering how you can get more clients thru public speaking.

She talks about the top 3 speeches all business owners must perfect to get business. 
And, the #1 is the - "Elevator Speech." Arvee shares how crucial this one tactic is for your business.

We talk about the keys to being "Persuasive" in your speaking. And, the methods Arvee uses to find
the words that help bond, connect you to your audience. 
We cover Top Tips for being successful with your public speaking. Even if you are the beginner who suddenly
finds yourself upfront and having the responsibility for delivering a speech. Including a Great Technique
for what to do if you lose your place/your thoughts in mid-stream. 
We continue with the pro's & con's of ToastMasters and where it belongs in developing your
speaking skills.

Arvee shares with us the Fear of Public Speaking and how huge this Fear is and how it has stopped so many people. 
Arvee is a firm believer that each and every one of us has a message to share, that only we can share
to people, that can only hear it from us. And, if people continue to procrastinate in getting over that "fear," then
that message could be taken away from them and given to someone else who can deliver it.
That would be a crying shame. 
Arvee's calling is - "To prepare the platform for the messenger." 
Arvee continues, "It's time to get your message out to the world because there are people suffering who need to hear it."

As a high-energy motivational speaker, 
Arvee has shared the stage with speaking giants, such as:
Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, Chris Howard, Adam Urbanski, Jill Lublin and many more. 
Her persuasive speaker training programs transform ordinary business owners into superstars in their industry.

Enjoy this interview. Arvee shares a wealth of information.
Master Speaker Trainer, International Speaker and Author - Arvee Robinson