MamaRed, An internationally known teacher, speaker, coach, consultant and Idea Fire Hose, that uses her 30+ years of big business consulting to find the perfect solution to grow businesses, one DO-ABLE step at a time.

Penelope interviews MamaRed 
Speaker, Coach & Strategist.

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We have such a unique guest today with so much talent.

Today, we're talking about one of the challenges that so many
entrepreneurs & small businesses have, and that is this feeling of:
"We don't have the time to do those things we really want to do in our business."

It's so unfortunate because one main reason people go into business
is to get your Freedom. But this isn't happening with enough people today.

So, the challenge becomes how do we get that freedom back.
And, where is that time going to come from.

MamaRed shares with us in this interview 'how to make your business run easier,
so you have more time to do what you want to do.'

Our guest, is MamaRed Knight.

MamaRed and I initially met on Facebook, and then we ended up talking on the
phone for actually a number of hours. And it was during that conversation when
I realized how unique - MamaRed Knight is. And I knew I wanted to connect you to her.

MamaRed works with entrepreneurs & small businesses to systemize, streamline, and
automate all the stuff - so you can have your time back - to do what you really do best.

MamaRed is an international known Idea fire hose, and when you spend time with her, you'll know what I mean. She's got this unique gift to take the challenges you're having in your small business & put into DO-ABLE Step-By-Step Solutions, that make things run faster & easier.

What I like most about MamaRed is that she does NOT fit people into a "packaged product." She customizes your needs based on where you are with your business at that moment in time.

She's not about offering up a Packaged Deal - she's 100% about Customization.

Enjoy our guest, Business Strategist "that Systematizes, Streamlines, Automates to Give Back Your Freedom" MamaRed Knight !!!

To Claim your Complimentary Rendezvous give MamaRed a call (203.626.2054) or grab a spot on her calendar: