Previous Episode: Let's Cruise

We talk about traveling, because it’s something we do and love. Having new experiences and seeing new places is definitely worth the work, expense, and risk for us. Still, we take a few common sense precautions to make sure that our trips our safe for us, our family, and our possessions. We like to expect the best, but have a back up plan just in case.

In this episode, we share tips and tricks to help keep you safe while traveling. We talk about precautions that can be done ahead of time during the research process. We talk about transportation, car services, having a backup for important documents, blending in with the locals, having a contact person at home, and more to make your trip safe and fun.

Show Notes

[01:55] Take a look at the neighborhoods that you will be visiting on your trip. Learn what areas are safe and what areas you should avoid.

[02:14] Know if there is a nearby medical facility. Look up this information before you head out on your trip.

[03:17] Use travel reviews to learn about whether the area is safe or not.

[04:54] Think about how you're going to get from place to place. Public transit is great during the day, but it might not be as safe during the night time.

[06:44] Think about whether you need vaccines before you go to specific destinations. Also make sure you have your prescriptions refilled.

[07:46] Safety comes first when it comes to excursions. Pay attention to the providers reputation. If it doesn't look right, don't do it.

[09:34] Thoroughly research your destination before you go to have a fun and exciting adventure that is also safe.

[10:01] Don't bring valuables if you can avoid it.

[11:48] You will have to have money, credit cards, passports, and licenses with you. It's important to keep these things on your person.

[14:14] Don't leave valuables in a rental car. People can tell that you are a tourist. #Don'tFlashCash

[16:44] Leaving stuff behind in your hotel room lowers the risk for theft.

[18:21] PSA Be careful what you are drinking. It's fine in a safe secure place like a cruise, but be careful in a strange city. You need to be aware of danger and be able to get around safely.

[20:30] Try to blend in. In Paris, people don't wear t-shirts and shorts. Europe is a little more formal than the US. It's fun to feel like one of the locals.

[22:45] Have an air of confidence about you. Have a plan and know where you are going.

[23:49] If you get lost go into a shop or restaurant and ask for directions.

[24:59] Plan your flight, so that you will during daylight hours. Arrange to have a car pick you up at the airport. Don't walk around late at night.

[26:38] Lyft allows you to reserve ahead of time. The app should tell you the drivers name, and they should know your name. The license plate, make, and model of the car are on the app.

[28:49] It might be worth it to pay more and stay in the city or in a safer area. This is important when traveling abroad.

[29:46] Trust your instincts when you are considering excursions.

[30:57] Have a backup plan and prepare for the worst. Have backup documents. You can access documents on the cloud. If you lose your passport, you can go to an embassy and get help. Have backup cash in a secret spot.

[34:56] Travel insurance is a reimbursement type insurance when you're traveling. The cost of travel insurance is usually 4% to 10% of the cost of the entire trip. It's also important to know what is and isn't included.

[37:46] Have someone who you can check in with that knows where you are staying. Then let them know how things are going and where you are. They can also have the backup document information. Don't post on social media while you are out of town.

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