Boarding the plane is one of those things we all do, but it can take longer than we want. This episode is about saving time boarding the plane to ultimately save your sanity. This is part 3 of our How to Save Time (and Your Sanity) at the Airport series. In the previous episodes, we talked about security, getting to the airport at a good time, and carry on bags. Now it’s time to tackle boarding the plane.

Some of the things we cover include assigned boarding on planes with assigned seats. Getting your carry on in the overhead. How to get travel bonuses, miles, and gift cards with slight delays. How to deal with Southwest airlines and their check-in policy with assigned boarding numbers. Plus, we share some personal tips and stories that makes talking about flying fun.


Show Notes

[02:47] What specific locations are you interested in?

[03:12] You should have a top 10 vacation list.

[02:32] Be on time!

[03:24] You will be called to boarding by zone. Wait until your zone is called. Sit down and relax.

[05:47] If the flight is oversold, they look for volunteers to take a later flight. If this happens and you can, take them up on the offer.

[06:56] You get travel dollars. Dianne got $900 in miles one time. Sometimes they add in Amazon gift cards. If you have  to spend the night, you get hotel and food vouchers.

[09:34] Don't put your seat belt on until boarding is completed.

[10:42] With a large bin, you can put your bag in with wheels facing out. Hold on to your jacket. Don't close the bin until it's full.

[12:41] In first class, you get a pillow and a blanket.

[13:33] Go to the restroom before boarding.

[16:18] You need to know the exact number of seats between you and the exit. Just in case.

[17:03] Put your phone in airplane mode.

[17:57] Flights now provide free Wi-Fi and free TV.

[18:36] Put your seat in the upright position when they tell you to.

[19:55] Southwest Airlines doesn't have assigned seats. They assign you a number. You can check-in 24 hours before your flight. You get the number when you check-in.

[21:31] They have three sections A 1-60, B 1-60, and C 1-60. You board based on the letter and number you get. They begin with A 1-30 and on down the line. Check-in as soon as possible to get a better seat option.

[22:52] As a passenger, you have to find where you are in line. Once you get in, the fun begins as seatmates are chosen. The front and exit rows are taken first. Then windows and aisles.


Links and Resources:

Episode 4 - How to Save Time (and Your Sanity) at the Airport (part 1)

Episode 5 - How to Save Time (and Your Sanity) at the Airport (part 2)

How to Save Time (and Your Sanity) at the Airport Blog Post

Episode 2 - Our Favorite Travel Apps


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