Airline travel can be a big part of a travel adventure. Unfortunately, it can be filled with headaches. In fact, many of these start before you even board the plane. That’s why we are doing this special 3-part series on saving time (along with your sanity) at the airport. We are going to cover things like how to be prepared, security tips that have you traveling like a pro, how to  properly travel with carry-on bags, and how to board the plane.


Show Notes

[02:15] How to be prepared for airline travel. Dianne's dad worked for the airline, and they traveled standby. There were rules like they had to be dressed up and had to be there extra early.

[03:22] Being on time can really help save your sanity. Keep in mind things you have to do before you board the plane such as checking in and waiting in lines. You also have to drop off your bags, grab a snack, and go through security. It also takes time to get to your gate.

[04:56] Allow yourself enough time to make it to the airport. Give yourself at least an extra 20 or 30 minutes to make it to the airport and park.

[05:26] Do your parking research in advance. You can drop the family off at the terminal and then park. They can check in the bags.

[06:21] Have your documents ready and easy to get to.

[07:54] Keep in mind that there are weight limits when you check your bags. Either check a second bag or put some stuff in your carry on. Weigh your bag ahead of time. Take a lightweight empty carry on in case you shop at your destination.

[10:17] Different airlines have different weight limits so check that ahead of time.

[10:29] Snacks can get expensive once you pass security. Bring an empty bottle to get water and bring snacks.

[12:47] Think about comfort items you will want on your flight. Temperature on planes fluctuate. It's nice to have a blanket, sweater, and socks instead of flip flops on the plane.

[14:36] Electronics can make your flight more entertaining and productive. Don't forget the charging cords and headphones. Books are great too!

[15:24] Download our podcast, other podcasts, and movies to watch. An extra battery or external power bank can come in really handy.

[17:56] Know what you have to check and what you can carry on. One personal item and one carry on is all that is allowed.

[19:52] Taking the time to prepare is way better than the time it would cost if you miss your flight.

[20:16] Next week, in part 2, we talk about security and carry on bags.


Links and Resources:

How to Save Time and Your Sanity at the Airport

Fly with Chris and Di Travel Gear


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