Next Episode: Our Favorite Travel Apps

Welcome to the first episode of Fly with Chris and Di. On this podcast, we will be sharing tips on how to help plan your vacation to make it as stress free and fun as possible. On this episode, we share tips on how to choose the perfect vacation destination. We talk about what you need to ask yourself and those you’re traveling with.

What type of trip do you want? What type of trip would each companion want? Are you traveling with friends or family or both? We talk about budgeting. How to have something that interests everyone on the trip. We touch on what to think about when choosing modes of transportation. We talk about how and why to narrow down your choices and how to find the best information.


Show Notes

[02:47] What specific locations are you interested in?

[03:12] You should have a top 10 vacation list.

[03:23] Chris likes to travel to cities, and Dianne likes beach travel.

[03:54] Think about the specific type of vacation you want and whether you can combine some of these together.

[04:32] We hit a home run when we can combine fun excursions and the beach together.

[04:58] Think about what will be fun and exciting for you as a family.

[05:06] It's also important to think about each of the people that will be traveling with you.

[06:04] Vacations with other couples look different than vacations with children.

[06:53] You have to look at your budget and determine how much you want to spend.

[07:36] If you choose an all-inclusive trip, find one with a lot of activities.

[08:14] A plan for budgeting on a vacation is critical.

[09:09] You can also download a copy of I Need a Plan on our website.

[09:29] Do we want to jet ski or deep sea fish? Think about the activities everyone wants.

[13:18] Be realistic with people's abilities with activities. National Parks are great places to get in outside time.

[14:24] Are there any modes of transportation that you are unwilling to use?

[17:09] Once you've answered all of these questions, narrow your choices down to about three to five locations.

[17:19] Get online after you've narrowed your choices down to avoid becoming completely overwhelmed.

[18:12] Once you've narrowed down your choices go to TripAdvisor or download the app.

[18:57] Do your research two or three months in advance of the travel date. This allows you more time to work on research and maximize your time on vacation. Planning food is a good idea. This also maximizes your budget. You can purchase excursions in advance.

[20:33] You don't want to spend a day on your vacation planning. We also leave time for spontaneity.

[22:55] Make a decision tree based on mode of transportation, budget, and things to do.

[24:03] Go through each location and identify price and availability of modes of transportation.

[24:38] Google Maps can help research transportation and distance.

[26:01] Does the location meet your budget today, or is it a location you may need to go back to at a later time? Keep your notes.

[27:27] As you narrow down your choices, think about the things to do there.

[29:25] Is there enough stuff to do there that's in line with you and your traveling companions?

[30:23] Use these decision points to narrow down the right location for your trip.


Links and Resources:

Dave Ramsey

I Need a Plan


Google Maps


For pictures, tips and more, be sure to check out our Fly with Chris and Di Facebook page and signup to download a copy of The Best City for You. Please take a moment and subscribe to our podcast and leave a review. It will only get better from here. Don’t miss out on future episodes where we continue to share tips and tricks to get the most out of your vacation.