Do you have any questions you would like to ask a pilot?  We have some burning questions that we would like to ask a pilot, so we are super excited to have our guest today Brian Harris. Brian is Chris's cousin. He has been a pilot for a long time. Brian is going to answer all of our questions, and we also have a question from a listener. 

We have also taken some trips with Brian, and at the end of the episode Brian and Chris share a trip they took when they were young. If you would like your question answered during our show check out our Facebook page to see what is coming up and join in on the interviewing fun.  

Show Notes

[02:45] Brian has wanted to be a pilot since the 6th grade. He started with an aviation explorer program with the scouts. He fell in love with aviation and majored in aeronautical technology at Tennessee State University.

[03:18] He then went to two flight schools and then instructed for a year and a half before landing his dream job as a pilot in 2002. 

[03:31] His ultimate dream of becoming a FedEx pilot was realized in October of 2016.

[03:56] Brian's first flight was when he worked with a flight instructor at the YMCA who knew he wanted to be a pilot and offered to take him on flight. 

[04:29] They flew around, and he was hooked for sure. 

[05:03] After getting his degree he went to an aviation academy. He did three weeks of ground school and then the flight training where he soloed after three or four flights. 

[05:31] Then he went to All Transport Professionals or ATP in Atlanta. He got the rest of his ratings at ATP, and then he instructed for about a year and a half. 

[05:45] Once he was hired by an airline, he went through training on the airplane he was going to be on. They also have yearly training, which used to be every six months. 

[06:03] They fly in a simulator and make sure that they are still proficient. Any FAA problem areas will be implemented into the training program. They also work on takeoffs, landings, and emergencies.

[07:01] Flight simulators are cool and amazingly hard. 

[07:39] What happens if someone has a medical emergency? The flight attendant first notifies the pilot. They will radio the company and air traffic control. When there's an emergency the flight is expedited. The plane can also communicate with a medical facility and talk to a doctor, if needed.

[09:49] What do you eat on a long flight? He used to bring his own lunch or eat 30 little bags of peanuts. At FedEx, he gets to order his meals. On long flights, there is a third pilot, so they can rotate breaks. 

[14:20] Why do we need to put our phones on airplane mode? It's just to avoid interference with navigational aids. 

[16:20] What are the restroom rules? The crew asks passengers to remain seated, so they can taxi into takeoff. 

[18:08] Now there is a passenger bill of rights. 

[19:03] Why do we have to put our seats back up? It's about safety. It's hard to get by with the seats back. There can be emergencies on takeoffs and landings. 

[21:41] Chris and Brian had a Cadillac Caravan going to Nashville to Opryland. They also drove a Cadillac with three adults and 5 kids from Memphis, Tennessee to Orlando, Florida. They spent a week there and had a great time. Godfather's Pizza was the best pizza that Brian had ever had.

[22:48] They didn't have any technology, they just played games in the car for 16 hours. They did have a CB radio.

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