Kylik Kisoun Taylor, owner of Tundra North Tours, makes his return visit to FLY. Kylik, as he will simply be known in the future, mark my words (think Cher, Seal, Madonna), discusses the impact of COVID on his indigenous tourism company located in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. Always one to make lemonade from lemons, Kylik turned a difficult time into an opportunity, creating the Arctic Eco Village along the Mackenzie Delta, where a small community uses land resources to sustainably ensure food and housing security. Kylik is a passionate advocate for creating a lifestyle that has more time for healing, spending time with family, practicing Inuit culture, and living life however it speaks to you. There is much to learn from Kylik, as he openly discusses indigenous issues and the problems faced by his people.

Original broadcast on CIUT 89.5FM and

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