And we're back this week with CLIFFDIVER! The self described "elevator emo pop" band is a mix of things you can't put your finger on. WIth versatile vocals, a cool vibe, studio polish, and just the right amount of sax, CLIFFDIVER already feels like a band at the top of their game. We talk about mental health, creating a community, the importance of perspectives, and a whole lot more.  


CLIFFDIVER - Website | Bandcamp | Twitter | Instagram | Purchase vinyl here or here

Fly On The Call - Twitter | Instagram | Spotify Playlist | [email protected]

Promoted by The Alternative - Website | Twitter | Patreon | Mixcloud

Artwork by Mikaela Jane Palermo - Website | Twitter | Instagram 

Theme song by Kailynn West of Tiny Stills - Website | Twitter | Bandcamp

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