In this installment of our Artist Series, we talk with Megan about her talents for turning foraging opportunities in the forests and woods into beautiful pieces of natural art.  Megan turns shelf fungi, weathered wood, paint and other natural materials into painted fish, wildlife, and scenes of nature. Guest: Megan Scott Scripts Email: [email protected] Social Media: Facebook Instagram Bio: My name is Megan Scripps, I’m a 35 year old stay at home mother of two beautiful boys, Declan (5) and Brodie (3). I’ve also added to my life a small art business, incorporating my love of the outdoors, art, foraging and now fishing. Art has been a large part of my life as far back as childhood. I remember walking my suburban streets looking for odd bits of broken toys and bottle caps to glue together and bring home as “presents” for my family. When I finally was introduced to the woods, rivers, and streams, I was surrounded by inspiration, at that point nature art was all I found myself wanting to create. I recently started painting fish. it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to go fishing and I have missed it horribly. My best fishing memory took place when I was visiting Marco Island, Florida. My Father in-law also has a large boat and I pulled up a Goliath Grouper, with a little help I must admit because it felt like a car was at the other end of the line. To know I’d caught that big green beautiful monster felt like quite the accomplishment. Having two little boys and a thriving business has limited some of my outdoor adventures but being able to make art for a living is a dream come true for me, that I’m grateful for every day.         This is Fly Girl Fish episode 042, first aired on 07/01/2020.

In this installment of our Artist Series, we talk with Megan about her talents for turning foraging opportunities in the forests and woods into beautiful pieces of natural art.  Megan turns shelf fungi, weathered wood, paint and other natural materials into painted fish, wildlife, and scenes of nature.


Megan Scott Scripts

Email: [email protected]

Social Media:




My name is Megan Scripps, I’m a 35 year old stay at home mother of two beautiful boys, Declan (5) and Brodie (3). I’ve also added to my life a small art business, incorporating my love of the outdoors, art, foraging and now fishing. Art has been a large part of my life as far back as childhood. I remember walking my suburban streets looking for odd bits of broken toys and bottle caps to glue together and bring home as “presents” for my family. When I finally was introduced to the woods, rivers, and streams, I was surrounded by inspiration, at that point nature art was all I found myself wanting to create.

I recently started painting fish. it’s been a long time since I’ve been able to go fishing and I have missed it horribly. My best fishing memory took place when I was visiting Marco Island, Florida. My Father in-law also has a large boat and I pulled up a Goliath Grouper, with a little help I must admit because it felt like a car was at the other end of the line. To know I’d caught that big green beautiful monster felt like quite the accomplishment. Having two little boys and a thriving business has limited some of my outdoor adventures but being able to make art for a living is a dream come true for me, that I’m grateful for every day.





This is Fly Girl Fish episode 042, first aired on 07/01/2020.