In this episode we speak with Edgar Diaz of Sight Line Provisions. Edgar shares with the listeners the many early day road blocks the brand faced while getting started, as well as what the product faced in its early conception with material issues and more.
Fast forward to today where Edgar has built the brand up into a fly fishing icon powerhouse. Sight Line Provisions is well loved and supported from many fly fishers globally. Hear more. SUBSCRIBE OR DOWNLOAD NOW
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In this episode we speak with Edgar Diaz of Sight Line Provisions. Edgar shares with the listeners the many early day road blocks the brand faced while getting started, as well as what the product faced in its early conception with material issues and more.
Fast forward to today where Edgar has built the brand up into a fly fishing icon powerhouse. Sight Line Provisions is well loved and supported from many fly fishers globally. Hear more. SUBSCRIBE OR DOWNLOAD NOW

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